- V37M主板.
- Panasonic MN34112 影像感測器板.
- UI按鍵板.
- LCD液晶顯示器板.
- USB電源供應器 (5V/2A).
- 線材 (USB Type A to USB Type C).
- 線材 (USB Type A to Micro USB).
- 線材 (USB Type A to Mini USB).
The iCatch Online Privacy Statement applies to iCatch’s Web sites and Productions that link to the Statement. Below are some of the highlights of the Statement.
We collect your personal information for various purposes, such as processing your order, corresponding with you, providing you with a subscription or in connection with a job application. In addition, we may also collect information relating to your use of our Web sites through the use of various technologies, including cookies.
To fulfill your requests by us or by others involved in fulfillment. To support products or services you have obtained from us.
When we collect information from you, you may tell us that you do not want it used for further marketing contact. You may also turn off cookies in your browser.
V37M SBC (Single Board Camera) 是一套適合讓系統/韌體設計師實作具備深度學習能力、低功耗、單相機應用的開發平台,例如智慧家居相機、門鈴相機、警用相機、人臉識別相機等等。
芯鼎科技提供了完整的開發工具與文件,包含:韌體開發套件、硬體參考電路圖、線上開發文件及功能完整的iOS/Android APP SDK 。